- Polaroid Sun 600 LMS Land Instant camera
- Shirley, Squirrely, and Melvin
- Paul Simon
- The War of the Worlds
- Joni Mitchell: Shadows and Light
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Olivia: Physical
- IBM Personal Computer Display
- Timex Sinclair ZX81
- NEC Monitor
- Sinclair ZX Thermal Printer
- Timex Sinclair ZX81
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
- Osborne 1
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
- Texas Instruments Touch and Tell
- Osborne 1
- IBM Personal Computer
- IBM Personal Computer Display
- IBM Personal Computer
- IBM Personal Computer Keyboard
- Apple III - Standard Device Drivers - Manual
- Apple III - VISICALC III - User’s Manual
- Apple II - Reference Manual
- IBM: Colossus in Transition
- Atari - The Atari 400 Computer System: The Basic Computer - Owner’s Guide
- Computing in the Humanities
- ALLC Journal - Volume 2, Number 1 - Summer 1981
- Perspectives in Computing - Volume 1, Number 4 - December 1981
- Perspectives in Computing - Volume 1, Number 1 - February 1981
- Perspectives in Computing - Volume 1, Number 2 - April 1981
- ALLC Bulletin - Volume 9, Number 1 - 1981
- WordStar Made Easy
- Beneath Apple DOS
- TRS-80 Model II Scripsit 2.0 Reference Manual
- TRS-80 Model II Scripsit 2.0 Reference Manual
- TRS-80 Model II Scripsit Spelling and Hyphenation Dictionary
- Apple II User’s Guide
- Apple, Inc.
- Apple II - STB-80 User’s Manual
- Using 6502 Assembly Language: How Anyone Can Program the Apple II
- Assembly Language Programming for the Apple Basic User
- Creative Computing: Volume 7, No. 4
- Understanding Your VIC
- A Friendly Computer Guide
- Texas Instruments TI-99 / 4A Computer Beginner's BASIC
- Texas Instruments TI-99 / 4A Computer Beginner's BASIC
- TI Extended BASIC: for the TI-99/4 home computer
- VICMON 6502 Machine Language Monitor: A friendly instruction guide
- Apple Spice Instruction Manual
- Beneath Apple DOS for Users of Apple II, Apple II Plus, and Apple IIe Computers
- WordStar Training Guide
- TI-99 4A BASIC Reference Card
- WordStar
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Computer Quick Steps to Get You Set Up & Started Now!
- Radio Shack TRS-80 Model I/III SERIES I Editor Assembler
- Using 6502 Assembly Language: How Anyone Can Program the Apple II
- MC68230L8 MC68230L10 Advance Information
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- Personal Computing
- Personal Computing
- Personal Computing
- TRS-80 Microcomputer News
- TRS-80 Microcomputer News
- Guide to Operations
- "AIM-65 16-Bit Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion"
- Interface Age
- MC68000 User's Manual
- Softalk Magazine
- AIM-65 Laboratory Manual and Study Guide
- Rockwell RM 65 advertising material
- Rockwell Electronic Devices Division
- pfs: REPORT User's Manual
- Interactive
- Digital Simulation Techniques Improve microP-system Designs
- Interactive
- ZX81 Basic Programming
- Rockwell Electronic Devices Division
- Control AC Power with a microP
- Graphic Art Materials Reference Manual
- Micro Power AIM-65 Sources List
- Terminal Emulator II Command Module
- Osborne 1 User's Reference Guide
- Softalk Magazine
- Z8671 Single-Chip BASIC Interpreter Basic/Debut Software Reference Manual
- Z8671 Single-Chip BASIC Interpreter Basic/Debut Software Reference Manual
- Z8671 Single-Chip BASIC Interpreter Basic/Debut Software Reference Manual
- Z6132 4K x 8 Quasi-Static RAM Product Specification
- Activision Kaboom Instructions
- Computer Imagery: A Coloring Book
- The DOS Manual
- Softalk Magazine
- Super Breakout Atari Game Program Instructions
- Video Pinball Atari Game Program Instructions
- Warlords Atari Game Program Instructions
- Z8671 Single-Chip BASIC Interpreter Basic/Debut Software Reference Manual
- Softalk Magazine
- Activision Ice Hockey Instructions
- Pac-Man Atari Game Program Instructions
- Softalk Magazine
- Softalk Magazine
- Softalk Magazine
- Activision Cartridge Warranty Card
- Activision Video Game Cartridge Catalog
- TI Invaders
- Avenger
- Poker
- Home Inventory
- The Soul of a New Machine
- Activision Laser Blast Instructions
- Sears Video Arcade Cartridges
- Snakman
- Microsailing
- Car Wars
- Pin Ball
- Expense Calendar
- Personal Finance
- Crossword Magic
- VIC / Typewriter (Word Processor / Typing Practice)
- Flight Landing Simulator
- Air Supply Cassette
- Zork II
- Space Hawk
- Star Strike
- Asteroids
- Missile Command
- Star Trek The Motion Picture
- Gutenberg
- Fleetwood Mac: Documentary and Live Concert
- Eamon's Adventure E13 The Caves of Treasure Island
- Eamon's Adventure E16 "The Caves of Mondamen"
- VisiCalc
- Texas Instruments TI-99/4a
- Eamon's Adventure E14 Furioso
- Eamon's Adventure E06 Death Star
- IBM Personal Computer
- Eamon's Adventure E17 "Merlin's Castle"
- Eamon's Adventure E18 "Hogarth's Castle"
- Typing Tutor
- Adventure 1, 2, 3
- Eamon's Adventure E15 Hero's Castle
- Eamon's Adventure E19 "Death Trap"
- Eamon's Adventure E20 "Black Death"
- Apple Writer II Master
- Apple Writer II Backup
- Pfs: Report
- Asteroids
- CP/M System
- CBasic/Mbasic
- Pfs: Report, Sortwork
- WordStar/MailMerge
- Hewlett Packard 12C
- CBasic/Mbasic
- CP/M System
- CP/M Utility
- SuperCalc
- Extended Utility Disk
- Multiplication 1
- Addition and Subtraction 1
- Apple III - Apple Business BASIC - Reference Manual - Vol. 2
- Apple III - Apple Business BASIC - Reference Manual - Volume 1
- Apple III - Universal Parallel Interface Card - Installation and Operating Manual
- Atari - The Atari 400 Computer System: Computers for People (Brochure)
- Scram (A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation)
- Spacechase
- Apple II - VERSAcard - Installation and Instruction Manual
- Call-A.P.P.L.E. In Depth - Number One
- Apple Machine Language
- TRS-80 Model II Statistical Analysis Manual
- TRS-80 Model II Computer Graphics (BASIC/Utilities/Subroutines) Manual
- BYTE: the small systems journal
- Personal Computing
- Personal Computing
- TRS-80 Microcomputer News
- Interface Age
- Interactive
- Softalk Magazine
- Understanding Computer Science
- Z8671 Seven Chip Computer Hardware Application Note
- Z8671 Single-Chip BASIC Interpreter Basic/Debut Software Reference Manual
- Softalk Magazine
- Softalk Magazine
- Missile Command Atari Game Program Instructions
- Pelé's Championship Soccer Atari Game Program Instructions
- Activision Tennis Instructions
- ATARI Video Computer System Catalog
- Blue Meanies from Outer Space
- An Introduction to BASIC: Part 1
- Triple Action
- Warlords
- Eamon's Adventure E21 "Quest for Marron"
- Defender
- Apple Presents: An Introduction it the Keyboard
- Osborne Software Package