
Osborne 1

Accession Number : 2018.09.22

  • Medium: Hardware
  • Manufacturer: Osborne Computer Corporation
  • Model: Osborne 1
  • Year: 1981
  • Original Price: $1,795.00
  • Identifying Number: A12370
  • Floppy Drive: 2x 5.25"
  • RAM: 64 kilobytes main memory
  • CPU: 4 MHz Z80
  • External Connections: Parallel printer port configurable as an IEEE-488 port; RS-232 compatible 1200 or 300 baud Serial port for use with external modems or serial printers
  • Operating System: CP/M 2.2 operating system
  • Compatibility: External Monochrome display. Parallel Dot matrix printer. 300 baud modem.
  • Accession Number: 2018.09.22
  • notes: Includes software: WordStar v. 2.26 Double Density; CP/M v.2.2 System 9 Utility Double Density; CBASIC / MBASIC Double Density; SuperCalc v.1.12 Double Density; Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy