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- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume II (d)
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume V (c)
- Proceedings of the Third Conference on Radio Interference Reduction
- Proceedings of the Second Conference on Radio Interference Reduction
- Shortwave Listener's Guide
- AM-FM Broadcasting
- Model Control by Radio
- Radiotron Designer's Handbook
- MX Printer Manual with GRAFTRAX Plus
- AM/FM Broadcast Station Planning Guide
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Reference Data for Radio Engineers
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Passport to World Band Radio
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- 101 Easy CB Projects
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Reference Data for Radio Engineers
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Radio Engineering
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Midway Company Catalog
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Radio Engineers' Handbook
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume III (c)
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- The Radio Engineering Handbook
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume IV
- Radiotron Designer's Handbook
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Radio and Television Bibliography
- How to Hear Police, Fire and Aircraft Radio
- Television Broadcasting Equipment, Systems, and Operating Fundamentals
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference
- The Radio Manual
- Television Servicing Cyclopedia
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Fields and Waves in Modern Radio
- Radar System Fundamentals Navships 900,017
- Basic Television Vol. 1 The Transmitter
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- Radio Operating Questions and Answers
- Subminiaturization Techniques for Low-frequency Receivers
- Basic Television
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume V (a)
- Radio Operators License Handbook
- Antenna Manual
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume V (b)
- A-M Detectors
- Fundamentals of UHF
- 18th International Cosmic Ray Conference Late Papers
- First-Class Radiotelephone License Handbook
- National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Handbook
- The VHF Amateur
- RCA Victor Television Service Clinic
- The Radio Manual
- Beam Antenna Handbook
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- VHF Handbook
- 99 Ways to Improve your CB Radio
- The ARRL Antenna Book
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- CB Radio Accessories
- Practical Radio Communication
- Amateur Antenna Tests and Measurements
- Elements of Radio
- Official Short-Wave Radio Manual 1934
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Applied Practical Radio Television 1
- Allied's Radio Data Handbook
- Ionospheric Radio Propagation
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Applied Practical Radio Television 5
- Radio as an Advertising Medium
- Technical Manual: Radio Equipment RC-148 & RC-148-B
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Projecting Sound Pictures
- Radio Physics Course: An Elementary Text Which Explains the Principles of Electricity and Radio
- Short-Wave Listener's Guide
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Elements of Acoustical Engineering
- Measurements in Radio Engineering
- Television Servicing Cyclopedia
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Electromagnetic Forcitos
- Official Radio Service Handbook
- Basic Television
- Study Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Examinations
- Electromagnetic Sea In Which We Live
- Reference Data for Radio Engineers
- TV Servicing Short-Cuts Based on Actual Case Histories
- Questions & Answers About CB Operations
- Basic Vacuum Tubes and Their Uses
- Radio Database International: Part II Tropical Bands Edition
- How To Understand and Use TV Test Instruments
- Sound
- Gas Tubes
- Television
- CB Radio Antennas
- 101 Easy Audio Projects
- Frequency Modulation
- Video Scrambling and De-Scrambling
- Antenna Engineering Handbook
- Audio Design Handbook
- Amplitude Modulation
- Antennas: Selection, Installation, and Projects
- Beam Antenna Handbook
- AM-FM Television Broadcast Equipment
- Limiters and Clippers
- Practical Wire Antennas
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Magnespheres & The Spring Atom
- How to Use Grid-Dip Oscillators
- Transmission Lines, Antennas and Wave Guides
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- CBS Electron Tubes Semiconductors Technician's Handbook
- Postwar Audio Amplifiers and Associated Equipment
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Easi-Guide to Citizens Band Radio
- Principles of Radar
- Postwar Audio Amplifiers and Associated Equipment
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- First-Class Radiotelephone License Handbook
- Valve Tube and Semiconductor Guide
- Transistor Manual
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- Communications Handbook Part I
- RCA Tube Handbook Vols. 5-6
- Performance-Tested Transistor Circuits
- CBers' How-To Book
- Applied Practical Radio Television 3
- Blocking Oscillators
- Basic Transistors
- Radio At Ultra-High Frequencies Volume II
- Electromagnetic Heat
- Alternating Current Electricity
- Transistor Applications Volume II
- Bench-Tested Communications Projects
- Receiving Tube Manual
- There Are No Electrons: Electronics for Earthlings
- Repairing Transistor Radios
- Applied Practical Radio Television 2
- Receiving Tube Manual
- ABC's of Radio Frequency Heating
- The Best of Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar
- Recording Sound for Motion Pictures
- Philco Handbook of Tubes and Semiconductors
- RCA Transistor Manual
- Electrolytic Capacitors
- BASIC Stamp
- Phototubes and Photocells
- Transistor Thyristor & Diode Manual
- 20 Solid-State Home And Hobby Projects
- My Electromagnetic Spherical Theory and My Experiments to Prove It
- RCA Tube Handbook Vols. 3 - 4
- High-Frequency Measurements
- Power Rectifiers with Notes on Converting Machinery
- Tube Tips Volume 1
- Attenuators, Equalizers and Filters
- Advanced Electronic Instruments and Their Uses
- Introduction to Printed Circuits
- Transmitting Tubes
- The Active Filter Handbook
- Tape Recorders: How They Work
- Radio's Master
- Receiving Tube Manual
- Design of Active Filters
- High Fidelity Circuit Design
- Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits Vol. 1
- Impedence Matching
- Postwar Audio Amplifiers and Associated Equipment
- DC Circuit Principles
- Low-Frequency Amplifier Systems
- Audel's New Electric Library with Illustrated Diagrams
- How To Build Simple Electrical Meters & Indicators
- Silicon Controlled Rectifier Manual
- Westinghouse Silicon Power Transistor Guide
- Electroplating and Anodising
- National Electrical Code
- Low-Frequency Amplifiers
- SPICE A Guide to Circuit Simulation & Analysis with PSPICE
- 101 Sound, Light and Power IC Projects
- Relay Magic
- RCA Power Circuits DC to Microwave
- Transistor Manual
- ABC's of FETs
- Detector Circuits
- Transistor Manual
- Transistors
- RCA Transistor Manual
- RCA Transistor Manual
- Transistor Transmitters for the Amateur
- Transistors I
- Radio's Master
- Relay Manual
- The Benchtop Electronics Reference Manual
- Electrical Engineering Pocket Handbook
- Industrial Control Circuits
- Basic Carrier Telephony
- Plessy Semiconductor Products SL600 Series Applications Manual
- Complete Handbook of Practical Electronic Reference Data
- R-F Amplifiers
- The Lenkurt Demodulator
- Semiconductors: Low-frequency power transistors and modules
- RTL Cookbook
- Transistor Circuit Design
- Semiconductor Rectifier Components Guide
- Circuit Problems and Solutions Vol. 3 - Transistor and Tube Circuits
- Semiconductor Rectifier Components Guide
- SPICE for Circuits and Electronics Using PSPICE
- Advanced Circuit Analysis with the HP28s
- Design of OP-AMP Circuits
- Circuit Problems and Solutions Vol. 2 - Network Theorems
- Industrial Radio Systems
- Photofact Television Course
- The Radio Handbook
- National Electronics Conference and Exhibition
- Carter Motor Co. Sales Review
- The Electrical Engineer Series - House Telephones, Bells, And Signalling Systems
- The Electrical Engineer Series - Practical Design of Small Motors and Transformers
- Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference Vol. 4
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Review: A technical journal
- RCA Technical Papers Index Volume III (d)
- Radio Data Book
- Radio Operator's License Q&A Manual
- Space Communications
- Radio Control for Model Builders
- Handy Kinks & Short Cuts
- Aircraft Radio and Electrical Equipment
- Radio Handbook
- Mathematics for Radio and Communication
- Mathematics for Radio and Communication
- Official Short-Wave Radio Manual 1935
- Trigonometry and Graphs
- Radio-Telegraph Transmitters
- Capacity and Inductance
- Technical Manual: Radio Sets SCR-536 A, SCR-536-B, And SCR-536-C
- Practical Television Servicing and Trouble Shooting Manual
- Basic Television
- Basic Television
- Television Antennas
- The ARRL Antenna Book
- The Radio Amateur's Handbook
- All About CB Two-Way Radio
- The Truth About CB Antennas
- Radio Physics Course: An Elementary Textbook on Electricity and Radio
- The Two-Way Radio
- Radio Instruments and Measurements
- Communications Handbook Part II
- Applied Practical Radio Television 4
- Valves & Electron Tubes
- Principles of Electron Tubes
- Sylvania Tube Complement Book
- Graphical Construction for Vacuum Tube Circuits
- Filters and Attenuators
- The Contact Modulator
- Crystal Oscillators
- Basic Oscillators
- Deschanel's Static Electricity
- Electrostatics
- Electric Machinery
- Transformers
- Troubleshooting Electronic Equipment Without Service Data
- The Science Fair Story of Electronics
- Power Transistor Handbook
- Field Effect Transistor Projects
- Electrical Catechism
- How to Fix Transistor Radios and Printed Circuits Vol. 1
- Patent Notes for Engineers
- Light-Beam Communications
- Handbook of Power Resistors
- Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference Vol. 3
- Television Equipment Theory and Operation