Technology History (24 items)
I’m Sorry, The Monopoly You Have Reached is Not in Service…
Seizing the Enigma
Turing’s Man: Western Culture in the Computer Age
A Short History of Disruptive Journalism Technologies
Computers at Work
Fire in the Mind: The 1970s Computer Decade
IBM and the Holocaust
IBM: Colossus in Transition
Invention & Innovation in the Radio Industry
Minitel: Welcome to the Internet
Netizens: On the history and Impact of Usenet and the Internet
Shift Happens - Preview
Sophistication & Simplicity: The Life and Times of the Apple II Computer
Telephone: The First Hundred Years
The Boy Who Thought Outside the Box: The Story of Video Game Inventor Ralph Baer
The Computer Book
The Edison Disc Phonographs and the Diamond Discs
The History of Computers
The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide
The Minitel Saga